+65 6863 3090
  • Safety is like breathing, we never want to stop, Safety is always our main concern!
  • Always meeting product and service specifications.
  • Consistently achieving a high level of customer satisfaction.
  • To recognize, protect and respect the environment as an important corporate priority.
  • To care for the environment and people.
  • Prevent injury and accident, occupational ill-health and provide a safe workplace for all its business activities.

We are committed to the goal of having an incident free workplace. Health, Safety, Environment and Quality sit at the core of all Bestec’s operations. From internal departments to external suppliers as well as all of our activities are routinely audited by internal and third party auditors to ensure operations attain the highest level of Safety, Health and quality demanded by ourselves and our clients.

The Bestec Management Team constantly monitors the QEHS aspects of the operations. This objective is ensured by way of frequent management meetings, formal management reviews and a structured flow of information throughout the company. The management team leads by example to ensure full cooperation across all departments. The principle objective at Bestec is to ensure our clients are provided with a level of service expected of a thoroughly professional organization.

QEHS Management system complies with:

ISO 45001:2018 (Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems), which aids in the identification, assessment and reduction of risk. Total Quality Management is practiced in conjunction with continuous improvement processes and comprises: ISO 9001:2015 Certified Quality Management System – to manage total product quality from submission of tender to delivery of the final solution.